If you can believe the hype propagated on the Internet, large quantities of leads are the lifeblood of the network marketing business. It does not matter if you are involved in multi level marketing (MLM) or any other kind of home business idea, the failure to generate leads is most commonly equated with the failure of the business venture, while success in generating these leads is considered the surefire way of succeeding in the business of your choice. Even though there is a kernel of truth to this school of thought, it leaves out a most important object lesson and caveat: to differentiate generic marketing leads from qualified MLM network leads.
An unqualified lead is anyone and everyone you might meet on the street. Complete strangers whom you hand a Xocai business card in passing are unqualified leads. Your family and circle of friends are perhaps the best examples of unqualified leads! They could be leads simply because out of love and respect for you they will permit you to give them your sales presentation, but they are unqualified in that they have not actually expressed an interest in the healthy chocolate you are selling or the company you are representing. Do not misunderstand: there is a chance that any lead, no matter how generic and unqualified, may be turned into a qualified lead, yet this is a time consuming process that relies on the skill, product knowledge and determination of the network marketer.
On the flipside of this coin is the qualified lead. Usually it is a person who has sought out you or your healthy dark chocolate website to get more information about the product you are selling, the service you are providing and also the business you are representing. Similarly, a qualified lead is someone who is familiar with the network marketing industry and wants to become involved but might still be searching for just the right niche to buy into. Such leads are worth their weight in gold! Does this mean that each and every qualified lead will turn into a customer or down line candidate? By no means! As a matter of fact, the individual may decide that your product or home business idea may simply not represent a good fit. Fledgling marketers may also turn off qualified leads because of inexperience. Yet, by and large, marketing to a qualified lead is a lot easier than trying to turn a generic lead into a qualified one.
Bill Drapcho
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Expanding Your Warm Market
Building a network for any home business is not as difficult as many believe it to be. If a business owner thinks about it, they can see they already have the start of a good network, but may not be taking advantage of the possibilities. One common thread of most marketing efforts involves the use of what is called a warm market that is family and friends to whom most people turn to first with every new product or idea they come up with.
The real problem is that the warm market can turn cold quickly as friends and family tire of being harassed about new money-making opportunities. However, many people ignore their expanded warm market, or fail to realize it even exists. Business associates and those met during professional gatherings can all be part of a warm market. However, the distributor will have to present their ideas in a manner that makes people want to be involved, but by telling them they need to be involved. The best way to accomplish this is by letting them experience the benefit before offering the opportunity of any product or service. For example, this business selling Xocai Healthy Chocolate may have a tough time selling someone else on the notion of them selling the same healthy dark chocolate and making a lot of money. However, by touting the benefits of the antioxidants and convincing them to try them, if they receive the expected benefits, they will become a steady customer. Over time, this customer may ask, or they can be told, they can purchase these same healthy chocolate at a wholesale cost if they are a distributor.
They now have a product that they believe in. By becoming a distributor they can buy the product at a reduced cost. Even if they never recruit another person to work under them, the person who recruited them has another member in their network. Chances are good, however that this person will tell others about the chocolate, especially if they can make enough money to pay for their own selling to others.
The network has been expanded by one more person, and if they tell two people and they tell two people, it will not take long for the network to grow. While advertising on the internet or print and broadcast media may have its benefit, hearing something good about a product creates more interest. Thus, making word of mouth advertising, and samples, without a doubt, the best form of advertising for any product. If you think about it, you do network marketing for many companies free every day. If you see a movie you like, you tell your friends. If they like it, they tell thier friends, and so on. So, why not use your warm market for your business?
Bill Drapcho
Building a network for any home business is not as difficult as many believe it to be. If a business owner thinks about it, they can see they already have the start of a good network, but may not be taking advantage of the possibilities. One common thread of most marketing efforts involves the use of what is called a warm market that is family and friends to whom most people turn to first with every new product or idea they come up with.
The real problem is that the warm market can turn cold quickly as friends and family tire of being harassed about new money-making opportunities. However, many people ignore their expanded warm market, or fail to realize it even exists. Business associates and those met during professional gatherings can all be part of a warm market. However, the distributor will have to present their ideas in a manner that makes people want to be involved, but by telling them they need to be involved. The best way to accomplish this is by letting them experience the benefit before offering the opportunity of any product or service. For example, this business selling Xocai Healthy Chocolate may have a tough time selling someone else on the notion of them selling the same healthy dark chocolate and making a lot of money. However, by touting the benefits of the antioxidants and convincing them to try them, if they receive the expected benefits, they will become a steady customer. Over time, this customer may ask, or they can be told, they can purchase these same healthy chocolate at a wholesale cost if they are a distributor.
They now have a product that they believe in. By becoming a distributor they can buy the product at a reduced cost. Even if they never recruit another person to work under them, the person who recruited them has another member in their network. Chances are good, however that this person will tell others about the chocolate, especially if they can make enough money to pay for their own selling to others.
The network has been expanded by one more person, and if they tell two people and they tell two people, it will not take long for the network to grow. While advertising on the internet or print and broadcast media may have its benefit, hearing something good about a product creates more interest. Thus, making word of mouth advertising, and samples, without a doubt, the best form of advertising for any product. If you think about it, you do network marketing for many companies free every day. If you see a movie you like, you tell your friends. If they like it, they tell thier friends, and so on. So, why not use your warm market for your business?
Bill Drapcho
dark chocolate,
Healthy Chocolate,
home business,
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Basing Your Business On Moral Standards
In a world that seems to be spinning quickly out of control, we find it difficult to choose what businesses we are involved in, what products we buy, and what television programs we choose to watch. It seems that nearly every aspect of business life has a type of darkness behind it. Businesses use young children from foreign countries to sew clothing for pennies. Doing chemical testing on animals to make products and natural resources are wiped out entirely. Television programs that are rated PG now carry hidden sexual innuendos and other adult humor. For those of us who are struggling to refrain from the dark side of business, we find it hard to trust in businesses in general.
For the above reasons, a business that is based on moral stands is hard to find, but when it is, it is golden like Xocia Healthy Chocolate rich with antioxidant. You get excited and begin to tell every man, woman and child the treasure you have found. This is only natural to share something good with other people. Normally, in any other type of business, you become an unpaid spokesman as the excitement of a trustworthy, moral based company is found. But with Xocai you can actually get paid for your excitement of healthy dark chocolate products! Though companies say sex sells, there are still millions of consumers who are craving wholesome entertainment, healthy and natural products, upstanding content and value, and businesses that we can trust. There are many of those types of companies out there like Xocai, you just need to refine your search to match your core values and expectations. Give Xocai Healthy Dark Chocolate home business a try!
Bill Drapcho
In a world that seems to be spinning quickly out of control, we find it difficult to choose what businesses we are involved in, what products we buy, and what television programs we choose to watch. It seems that nearly every aspect of business life has a type of darkness behind it. Businesses use young children from foreign countries to sew clothing for pennies. Doing chemical testing on animals to make products and natural resources are wiped out entirely. Television programs that are rated PG now carry hidden sexual innuendos and other adult humor. For those of us who are struggling to refrain from the dark side of business, we find it hard to trust in businesses in general.
For the above reasons, a business that is based on moral stands is hard to find, but when it is, it is golden like Xocia Healthy Chocolate rich with antioxidant. You get excited and begin to tell every man, woman and child the treasure you have found. This is only natural to share something good with other people. Normally, in any other type of business, you become an unpaid spokesman as the excitement of a trustworthy, moral based company is found. But with Xocai you can actually get paid for your excitement of healthy dark chocolate products! Though companies say sex sells, there are still millions of consumers who are craving wholesome entertainment, healthy and natural products, upstanding content and value, and businesses that we can trust. There are many of those types of companies out there like Xocai, you just need to refine your search to match your core values and expectations. Give Xocai Healthy Dark Chocolate home business a try!
Bill Drapcho
dark chocolate,
Healthy Chocolate,
home business,
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Thinking Of Working At Home?
You might have been intrigued for awhile with the possibility of a home business. Let's face it, this can be one of the greatest things for you. You can go to work whenever you want, in any type of clothing that you want, and you can finally take the days off that you need if you get sick or need to do something with your children. This is something that many people just want to do, and it can be something that can make your life better. However, when it comes right down to it this is something that you have to be careful of.
So how do you make sure that a stay at home business is actually going to be productive? Well, the best way that you have to make sure that you will be able to be successful with these jobs is to simply research them. There is lots of information out there on the internet that you can find which will allow you to get plenty of good information about the various companies and opportunities that are calling to you like Xocai Healthy Chocolate. Remember that your best defense against scams and other schemes is to do your own research. Or, as we have done for you in this blog, you will find the Xocai Healthy Chocolate home business a very legitimate opportunity. Be sure that before you quit your job and invest in a home business opportunity, you have done your research and you know what is legitimate and what is not.
Most home business opportunities will require some form of start up cost. Again, don't be affraid. If you have done your homework and research, this will not be a problem. Try programs that let you start free at first, then sign up later. For instance, the Xocai home business let's you pre-enroll before you start. Therefore, you can reveiw everything before you join. Almost all of them will have a monthly fee to stay active with the business. Also, many will provide you with your own website to promote your business, like Xocai does. This is an ideal situation because you will then be able to direct other business minded, opportunity seekers directly to your site to sign up with you. As most affiliate programs or network marketing programs work, you will make money when others sign up under you, and order products or services through you.
Also, be sure that you go slowly. Don't quit your job before you know for sure that you are going to be successful. It can take months and even years before you begin to earn the money you hoped for. You can scale back a little bit if you need to, but quitting all together is something that you shouldn't do. Take some time to make sure that your home business venture is set before you start on it full time. Then, you can make sure you will be successful before you even get started. This is a great way to make sure that your home business will stand up to the tests. Just like in relationships, you may have to kiss a few toads before you find your prince. Don't be discouraged either. Almost all successful people have failed at least once in their lives. Remember that setbacks and failures will always make you stronger in the end.
Bill Drapcho
You might have been intrigued for awhile with the possibility of a home business. Let's face it, this can be one of the greatest things for you. You can go to work whenever you want, in any type of clothing that you want, and you can finally take the days off that you need if you get sick or need to do something with your children. This is something that many people just want to do, and it can be something that can make your life better. However, when it comes right down to it this is something that you have to be careful of.
So how do you make sure that a stay at home business is actually going to be productive? Well, the best way that you have to make sure that you will be able to be successful with these jobs is to simply research them. There is lots of information out there on the internet that you can find which will allow you to get plenty of good information about the various companies and opportunities that are calling to you like Xocai Healthy Chocolate. Remember that your best defense against scams and other schemes is to do your own research. Or, as we have done for you in this blog, you will find the Xocai Healthy Chocolate home business a very legitimate opportunity. Be sure that before you quit your job and invest in a home business opportunity, you have done your research and you know what is legitimate and what is not.
Most home business opportunities will require some form of start up cost. Again, don't be affraid. If you have done your homework and research, this will not be a problem. Try programs that let you start free at first, then sign up later. For instance, the Xocai home business let's you pre-enroll before you start. Therefore, you can reveiw everything before you join. Almost all of them will have a monthly fee to stay active with the business. Also, many will provide you with your own website to promote your business, like Xocai does. This is an ideal situation because you will then be able to direct other business minded, opportunity seekers directly to your site to sign up with you. As most affiliate programs or network marketing programs work, you will make money when others sign up under you, and order products or services through you.
Also, be sure that you go slowly. Don't quit your job before you know for sure that you are going to be successful. It can take months and even years before you begin to earn the money you hoped for. You can scale back a little bit if you need to, but quitting all together is something that you shouldn't do. Take some time to make sure that your home business venture is set before you start on it full time. Then, you can make sure you will be successful before you even get started. This is a great way to make sure that your home business will stand up to the tests. Just like in relationships, you may have to kiss a few toads before you find your prince. Don't be discouraged either. Almost all successful people have failed at least once in their lives. Remember that setbacks and failures will always make you stronger in the end.
Bill Drapcho
dark chocolate,
Healthy Chocolate,
home business,
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The 5 W's Of Your Home Business Choice
If you remember back in elementary English class, your teacher told you about the five W’s: who, what, why, where and when. These same words can be useful in assisting you in finding which area of business you want to pursue and what is needed to begin your home business opportunity. Following these simple tips provided here can make the home business journey much smoother and less complicated. All of these words are actually a question in themselves and when answered, may hold the key to your Xocai home business success.
You first have to know why you want to pursue a home business. Is it simply about money? Do you want to make more money, direct your income towards yourself with no outside payments (employer)? Perhaps you are looking for more personal freedom for more time with family or friends. Understanding why you are looking to work from home creates focus.
This area of questioning may sound silly as you are looking to work from home, but do you plan to travel to customers for any area of your business? Do you want to reach a worldwide audience? This is all-important in setting up your business. It may be as simple as the corner of a room with a computer, a desk, and a chair. Or, will you need an office situation to greet prospective customers? Will they be coming to you? You'll need to be prepared to greet them in a business like way.
Who are your products or services for? Children, men, women, families, businesses are all possible target audiences. Why not everyone with Xocai Healthy Chocolate? You have to ask who, so that you can do research on your audience in your location or worldwide. Most people that start a home business usually go worldwide. Select a business opportunity like Xocai that gives you that range so you don't feel limited.
Which type of marketing will you want to use to promote your business? Do you want to do all by internet to reach your worldwide market? Or, would you rather stay local with newspaper ads and flyers? Knowing your direction after you decide on your home business, is key to getting started right.
What type of business do you want to be a part of? Do you want to be part of a growing opportunity that doesn't limit you? Part of a business where anyone can be your customer? Or, will you be limited to an intangible product or service that people can't hold or touch and only available if you have a computer. Many affiliate type programs are set up this way, limiting your reach of potential customers.
These five areas are simple, but make a big impact on your business set up. The answers guide you to make the most suitable business choices that will end in satisfaction as well as success. If you simply say that you want to sell pet supplies online and you don’t even like or own pets, how satisfied will you be doing this each and everyday? Consider the fact that 9 out of every 10 people love dark chocolate and you might have your answer! When you make a change to a home business you have to ensure that there is a drive, a goal and an enjoyment that will make this choice worthwhile and long lasting. Why not choose Xocai Healthy Chocolate?
Bill Drapcho
If you remember back in elementary English class, your teacher told you about the five W’s: who, what, why, where and when. These same words can be useful in assisting you in finding which area of business you want to pursue and what is needed to begin your home business opportunity. Following these simple tips provided here can make the home business journey much smoother and less complicated. All of these words are actually a question in themselves and when answered, may hold the key to your Xocai home business success.
You first have to know why you want to pursue a home business. Is it simply about money? Do you want to make more money, direct your income towards yourself with no outside payments (employer)? Perhaps you are looking for more personal freedom for more time with family or friends. Understanding why you are looking to work from home creates focus.
This area of questioning may sound silly as you are looking to work from home, but do you plan to travel to customers for any area of your business? Do you want to reach a worldwide audience? This is all-important in setting up your business. It may be as simple as the corner of a room with a computer, a desk, and a chair. Or, will you need an office situation to greet prospective customers? Will they be coming to you? You'll need to be prepared to greet them in a business like way.
Who are your products or services for? Children, men, women, families, businesses are all possible target audiences. Why not everyone with Xocai Healthy Chocolate? You have to ask who, so that you can do research on your audience in your location or worldwide. Most people that start a home business usually go worldwide. Select a business opportunity like Xocai that gives you that range so you don't feel limited.
Which type of marketing will you want to use to promote your business? Do you want to do all by internet to reach your worldwide market? Or, would you rather stay local with newspaper ads and flyers? Knowing your direction after you decide on your home business, is key to getting started right.
What type of business do you want to be a part of? Do you want to be part of a growing opportunity that doesn't limit you? Part of a business where anyone can be your customer? Or, will you be limited to an intangible product or service that people can't hold or touch and only available if you have a computer. Many affiliate type programs are set up this way, limiting your reach of potential customers.
These five areas are simple, but make a big impact on your business set up. The answers guide you to make the most suitable business choices that will end in satisfaction as well as success. If you simply say that you want to sell pet supplies online and you don’t even like or own pets, how satisfied will you be doing this each and everyday? Consider the fact that 9 out of every 10 people love dark chocolate and you might have your answer! When you make a change to a home business you have to ensure that there is a drive, a goal and an enjoyment that will make this choice worthwhile and long lasting. Why not choose Xocai Healthy Chocolate?
Bill Drapcho
dark chocolate,
Healthy Chocolate,
home business,
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Recognizing Your Serious Leads
If you can believe the hype propagated on the Internet, large quantities of leads are the lifeblood of the network marketing business. It does not matter if you are involved in multi level marketing (MLM) like Xocai Healthy Chocolate, or any other kind of home business, the failure to generate leads is most commonly equated with the failure of the business venture while success in generating these leads is considered the surefire way of succeeding in the business of your choice. Even though there is a kernel of truth to this school of thought, it leaves out a most important object lesson and caveat: to differentiate generic marketing leads from qualified MLM network leads.
An unqualified lead is anyone and everyone you might meet on the street. Complete strangers whom you hand a business card in passing are unqualified leads. Your family and circle of friends are perhaps the best examples of unqualified leads! They could be leads simply because out of love and respect for you they will permit you to give them your sales presentation, but they are unqualified in that they have not actually expressed an interest in the product you are selling or the company you are representing. Do not misunderstand: there is a chance that any lead, no matter how generic and unqualified, may be turned into a qualified lead, yet this is a time consuming process that relies on the skill, product knowledge and determination of the network marketer.
On the flipside of this coin is the qualified lead. Usually it is a person who has sought out you or your website to get more information about the product, healthy dark chocolate you are selling, the service you are providing and also the business you are representing, Xocai. Similarly, a qualified lead is someone who is familiar with the network marketing industry and wants to become involved but might still be searching for just the right niche to buy into. Such leads are worth their weight in gold! Does this mean that each and every qualified lead will turn into a customer or down line candidate? By no means! As a matter of fact, the individual may decide that your product or home computer business idea may simply not represent a good fit. Fledgling marketers may also turn off qualified leads because of inexperience. Yet by and large marketing to a qualified lead is a lot easier than trying to turn a generic lead into a qualified one.
Thus it is a questionable practice for the beginning marketer to purchase leads sights unseen for their home business. Nine times out of ten this transaction will cost a fair amount of money and net the marketer generic leads, such as may have been generated with a make money while you sleep ad or similar promotions. I currently have two great sources for leads! Conversely, purchasing qualified leads is a little more expensive yet also an investment well worth making!
Bill Drapcho
If you can believe the hype propagated on the Internet, large quantities of leads are the lifeblood of the network marketing business. It does not matter if you are involved in multi level marketing (MLM) like Xocai Healthy Chocolate, or any other kind of home business, the failure to generate leads is most commonly equated with the failure of the business venture while success in generating these leads is considered the surefire way of succeeding in the business of your choice. Even though there is a kernel of truth to this school of thought, it leaves out a most important object lesson and caveat: to differentiate generic marketing leads from qualified MLM network leads.
An unqualified lead is anyone and everyone you might meet on the street. Complete strangers whom you hand a business card in passing are unqualified leads. Your family and circle of friends are perhaps the best examples of unqualified leads! They could be leads simply because out of love and respect for you they will permit you to give them your sales presentation, but they are unqualified in that they have not actually expressed an interest in the product you are selling or the company you are representing. Do not misunderstand: there is a chance that any lead, no matter how generic and unqualified, may be turned into a qualified lead, yet this is a time consuming process that relies on the skill, product knowledge and determination of the network marketer.
On the flipside of this coin is the qualified lead. Usually it is a person who has sought out you or your website to get more information about the product, healthy dark chocolate you are selling, the service you are providing and also the business you are representing, Xocai. Similarly, a qualified lead is someone who is familiar with the network marketing industry and wants to become involved but might still be searching for just the right niche to buy into. Such leads are worth their weight in gold! Does this mean that each and every qualified lead will turn into a customer or down line candidate? By no means! As a matter of fact, the individual may decide that your product or home computer business idea may simply not represent a good fit. Fledgling marketers may also turn off qualified leads because of inexperience. Yet by and large marketing to a qualified lead is a lot easier than trying to turn a generic lead into a qualified one.
Thus it is a questionable practice for the beginning marketer to purchase leads sights unseen for their home business. Nine times out of ten this transaction will cost a fair amount of money and net the marketer generic leads, such as may have been generated with a make money while you sleep ad or similar promotions. I currently have two great sources for leads! Conversely, purchasing qualified leads is a little more expensive yet also an investment well worth making!
Bill Drapcho
dark chocolate,
Healthy Chocolate,
Monday, June 16, 2008
Understanding The Purchase, And The Follow-Up
Without an understanding of what makes people buy what they buy, and pass over what they don’t want, we can never hope to truly grasp the psychology that goes into making a purchase. If you are entering into, or already have a Xocai home business, then your website, ads and everything that you do to attract business will relate directly to a purchase. But, this lesson is not just about sales, however. It relates to everything we do as human beings. How we interact with others, how we can gain influence over people. It’s not magic tricks. It’s just simple psychology.
When we buy something, there are a few steps we go through in every transaction. To begin with, we have to desire something. We have to feel some need, or want for the item in question. Without this initial interest, we merely pass along, leaving an item on the shelf, or on the car lot, or in the hands of the salesperson. A person must have an initial interest to even consider making a purchase. Of course, this interest can be generated, but it is better if there is a certain amount of motivation there from the beginning.
After we experience that initial interest, we then make a decision to purchase the item in question. This is not a final decision, but rather a warm up decision, and it can change, depending on the price and commitment to the product. Yes, we feel this is something we want or need, but there are still some questions. At this point, we may look to our friends, family, or business associates to reassure us that the purchase is a wise one. We may choose to heed or disregard that advice, but it is important that we seek it out.
Finally, after making the purchase, we want to feel some sort of reassurance afterwards. This is where many people falter. They don’t follow up if they don’t feel there is any further sales opportunity with the customer. This can leave the customer feeling alienated, and even as if they’ve been taken. If you as the representative do not follow up with your customer, the chances are that much greater that they will back out, leaving all of that hard work you did irrelevant.
In your Xocai home business, following up with new downline members gives validation that they made a good decision. Sometimes just the simple contact shows that you care and will be there if they need you, therefore solidifying their decision to purchase again and stay a part of your organization. It's the simple things such as follow up, personally answering questions and providing more infomation that keeps the customer satisfied, or coming back for more items to purchase.
Bill Drapcho
Without an understanding of what makes people buy what they buy, and pass over what they don’t want, we can never hope to truly grasp the psychology that goes into making a purchase. If you are entering into, or already have a Xocai home business, then your website, ads and everything that you do to attract business will relate directly to a purchase. But, this lesson is not just about sales, however. It relates to everything we do as human beings. How we interact with others, how we can gain influence over people. It’s not magic tricks. It’s just simple psychology.
When we buy something, there are a few steps we go through in every transaction. To begin with, we have to desire something. We have to feel some need, or want for the item in question. Without this initial interest, we merely pass along, leaving an item on the shelf, or on the car lot, or in the hands of the salesperson. A person must have an initial interest to even consider making a purchase. Of course, this interest can be generated, but it is better if there is a certain amount of motivation there from the beginning.
After we experience that initial interest, we then make a decision to purchase the item in question. This is not a final decision, but rather a warm up decision, and it can change, depending on the price and commitment to the product. Yes, we feel this is something we want or need, but there are still some questions. At this point, we may look to our friends, family, or business associates to reassure us that the purchase is a wise one. We may choose to heed or disregard that advice, but it is important that we seek it out.
Finally, after making the purchase, we want to feel some sort of reassurance afterwards. This is where many people falter. They don’t follow up if they don’t feel there is any further sales opportunity with the customer. This can leave the customer feeling alienated, and even as if they’ve been taken. If you as the representative do not follow up with your customer, the chances are that much greater that they will back out, leaving all of that hard work you did irrelevant.
In your Xocai home business, following up with new downline members gives validation that they made a good decision. Sometimes just the simple contact shows that you care and will be there if they need you, therefore solidifying their decision to purchase again and stay a part of your organization. It's the simple things such as follow up, personally answering questions and providing more infomation that keeps the customer satisfied, or coming back for more items to purchase.
Bill Drapcho
dark chocolate,
home business,
Sunday, June 15, 2008
All The Main Ingredients
Today I would like to compare why Xocai Healthy Chocolate is such an exciting home business opportunity. I'll use the example of baking a cake for this comparison. When you're baking a cake, you have a list of ingredients that you must use. Sometimes, you can switch an ingredient or two, but it almost never comes out the same.
With Xocai Healthy Chocolate, we have all the ingredients that make a great work at home business. First, you have the healthy chocolate products. Not only do they taste delicious, but they are made of antioxidant rich dark chocolate, and good for you! They are diabetic safe, also kosher, and vegan freindly. People are absolutely surprised when they first taste the dark chocolate. Secondly, the marketing plan is fantastic. With a binary marketing plan that stacks others below you, it creates a sense of urgency for people to sign up, moving your business along at a quicker pace. Third, Xocai has great leadership. Our group is the fastest growing in Xocai, and we will help you every step of the way. The marketing materials include your own professional marketing site, are beautiful looking and impressive to anyone that visits. Not to mention our parent company that is completely debt free, and ready for explosive growth.
In this industry, you must have all the ingredients to be able to survive for a long time. Xocai has all the ingredients that are needed. If you are looking at this home business opportunity for the first time, click on one of the links and take the tour. You'll be happy that you did.
Bill Drapcho
Today I would like to compare why Xocai Healthy Chocolate is such an exciting home business opportunity. I'll use the example of baking a cake for this comparison. When you're baking a cake, you have a list of ingredients that you must use. Sometimes, you can switch an ingredient or two, but it almost never comes out the same.
With Xocai Healthy Chocolate, we have all the ingredients that make a great work at home business. First, you have the healthy chocolate products. Not only do they taste delicious, but they are made of antioxidant rich dark chocolate, and good for you! They are diabetic safe, also kosher, and vegan freindly. People are absolutely surprised when they first taste the dark chocolate. Secondly, the marketing plan is fantastic. With a binary marketing plan that stacks others below you, it creates a sense of urgency for people to sign up, moving your business along at a quicker pace. Third, Xocai has great leadership. Our group is the fastest growing in Xocai, and we will help you every step of the way. The marketing materials include your own professional marketing site, are beautiful looking and impressive to anyone that visits. Not to mention our parent company that is completely debt free, and ready for explosive growth.
In this industry, you must have all the ingredients to be able to survive for a long time. Xocai has all the ingredients that are needed. If you are looking at this home business opportunity for the first time, click on one of the links and take the tour. You'll be happy that you did.
Bill Drapcho
dark chocolate,
Healthy Chocolate,
home business,
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Proper Forum Marketing Techniques
The numbers of fledgling marketers who take to forum marketing their network businesses are growing! Unfortunately, so are the numbers of marketers who will return to the same forum the next day to be perplexed. When they attempt to log in they find out that their forum persona and access was deleted, as well as posting privileges denied. What happened? All you wanted to do was to market your home business, or get help for it like I promote my Xocai Healthy Chocolate site. What could you have done so wrong? Well, let's explore correct procedure to marketing in a forum.
Generally speaking, the odds are good that your forum posts were considered spam by enough of the other players that an administrator was contacted, who eventually took action and banned you from the network. The fine line that exists between forum marketing and spamming is often a heated topic of discussion on said forums themselves, and there is no hard and fast answer.
Yet in an effort to make it easier for the newbie, forum marketing is a three step process.
1. First and foremost, you need to decide which angle you want to market. In other words, are you looking for down line candidates, or for customers? In the same vein, do you want to find individuals who not only want to buy your product, but then also turn around and sell it? Each and every angle requires you to use a different approach. In other words, each and every angle requires you to write your forum posts with great care and expertise. Perhaps this is one of the reasons that this is a task most commonly outsourced to an experienced freelance writer.
2. Secondly, you need to create your forum persona. Stay away from obvious monikers that will have other forum participants roll their eyes and instantly steal your credibility. Examples include, "make money losing weight", or "get wealthy online" from names like, "wealthymarketer" or "thecashcow". Instead, opt for a persona with a respectable name or handle. If you do not want to use your real name, decide on a name like BusinessBob, or TexasShirley. Next, you need to create a profile. This is a great opportunity to mention your business and also your role in it, but do not turn the forum profile section into a cut and paste job from the company website. There is not a person alive who will read through a lengthy promotional profile. Last but not least, if the forum permits, create a signature. This could include a link to your website, but it will be more effective if it includes a link to a personal blog or even online newsletter with a gripping teaser. Do not dissappoint the website visitor, but instead deliver a gripping tale or blog entry so when you change your signature to feature the next article, those who know you will come and look.
3. Last but not least, do not post lengthy wellness product reviews in a gardening forum. Similarly, do not post an explanation on how to lose weight in a forum dedicated to childhood diseases. Two cardinal sins are incorporated in this approach: a lengthy posting and an inappropriate venue. Only post in forums that are somehow related to your business. Secondly, keep the posts short and simple, especially when you discuss your product. Do not just reply to a topic with the message...."I agree with that." Make sure any of your messages have content in them.
So, go to forums and market your home business idea, product or any other idea you are trying to sell. Just make sure your messages contain the three things above and you will be on your way to more customers, more links to your site, and more friends on the internet.
Bill Drapcho
The numbers of fledgling marketers who take to forum marketing their network businesses are growing! Unfortunately, so are the numbers of marketers who will return to the same forum the next day to be perplexed. When they attempt to log in they find out that their forum persona and access was deleted, as well as posting privileges denied. What happened? All you wanted to do was to market your home business, or get help for it like I promote my Xocai Healthy Chocolate site. What could you have done so wrong? Well, let's explore correct procedure to marketing in a forum.
Generally speaking, the odds are good that your forum posts were considered spam by enough of the other players that an administrator was contacted, who eventually took action and banned you from the network. The fine line that exists between forum marketing and spamming is often a heated topic of discussion on said forums themselves, and there is no hard and fast answer.
Yet in an effort to make it easier for the newbie, forum marketing is a three step process.
1. First and foremost, you need to decide which angle you want to market. In other words, are you looking for down line candidates, or for customers? In the same vein, do you want to find individuals who not only want to buy your product, but then also turn around and sell it? Each and every angle requires you to use a different approach. In other words, each and every angle requires you to write your forum posts with great care and expertise. Perhaps this is one of the reasons that this is a task most commonly outsourced to an experienced freelance writer.
2. Secondly, you need to create your forum persona. Stay away from obvious monikers that will have other forum participants roll their eyes and instantly steal your credibility. Examples include, "make money losing weight", or "get wealthy online" from names like, "wealthymarketer" or "thecashcow". Instead, opt for a persona with a respectable name or handle. If you do not want to use your real name, decide on a name like BusinessBob, or TexasShirley. Next, you need to create a profile. This is a great opportunity to mention your business and also your role in it, but do not turn the forum profile section into a cut and paste job from the company website. There is not a person alive who will read through a lengthy promotional profile. Last but not least, if the forum permits, create a signature. This could include a link to your website, but it will be more effective if it includes a link to a personal blog or even online newsletter with a gripping teaser. Do not dissappoint the website visitor, but instead deliver a gripping tale or blog entry so when you change your signature to feature the next article, those who know you will come and look.
3. Last but not least, do not post lengthy wellness product reviews in a gardening forum. Similarly, do not post an explanation on how to lose weight in a forum dedicated to childhood diseases. Two cardinal sins are incorporated in this approach: a lengthy posting and an inappropriate venue. Only post in forums that are somehow related to your business. Secondly, keep the posts short and simple, especially when you discuss your product. Do not just reply to a topic with the message...."I agree with that." Make sure any of your messages have content in them.
So, go to forums and market your home business idea, product or any other idea you are trying to sell. Just make sure your messages contain the three things above and you will be on your way to more customers, more links to your site, and more friends on the internet.
Bill Drapcho
dark chocolate,
Healthy Chocolate,
home business,
Friday, June 13, 2008
Is Today Your Lucky Day?
Dispell the myth of Friday the 13th by visiting my Xocai Healthy Chocolate page. This my be the luckiest day of your life!
Xocai Healthy Chocolate is a very young company that is getting ready to explode over the next 3-5 years. Lay your groundwork early and often, and it may sow seeds that could benefit you for the rest of your life.
Review my site, and tell me if you want to know more! I will be glad to call you and provide you with any other information you want. Today is your lucky day!
Bill Drapcho
Xocai Healthy Chocolate is a very young company that is getting ready to explode over the next 3-5 years. Lay your groundwork early and often, and it may sow seeds that could benefit you for the rest of your life.
Review my site, and tell me if you want to know more! I will be glad to call you and provide you with any other information you want. Today is your lucky day!
Bill Drapcho
Things To Consider When Choosing A Home Business
The ability to stay at home is increasing rapidly as new opportunities appear constantly. Finding the stay at home career that suits you can be as easy as asking yourself three simple questions. What do I truly enjoy doing? What amount of money or what is my budget for this business? What resources and tools do I have at hand, that can be applied toward the business? Asking these three questions will allow you to narrow down which field or areas of home business would best suit your interests as well as your personal needs. Consider Xocai Healthy Chocolate!
Job Enjoyment
If you do not enjoy the job field you are in, over time you will begin to regret your job choice. It will become a displeasure to go to work each day. The dissatisfaction of your job will lead to a decline in attitude and personal happiness, which can affect your relationships with family and friends as well as co-workers. Your job performance will also lack due to this feeling of dissatisfaction. Allowing yourself to understand what areas of work or business you enjoy will allow you to enter a job position knowing that this is a career you can perform every day and it will not lead to total dissatisfaction. There are always days where we do not feel like going to work even if we are in a dream job, but an enjoyable position is a must for job longevity.
Business Budget And Income Levels
When entering into a home business you have to take the necessary time required to thoroughly study your budget and income needs. You need to have enough savings to live within the means required to pay your bills, purchase personal items such as food and any other needed items for a minimum of three months. This allows enough time for your business to become established and to provide a flow of income. You also have to understand the required amount of funds needed to begin your business. What is the cost of materials, advertising, web hosting and so on? You want to provide an adequate amount of funding for each area of your business thus allowing a sturdy base for your business to be built upon. The majority of home businesses fail within the first year often due to lack of budgeting.
Resources and Tools
You also have to take the time to consider what tools or resources that you may possibly already have on hand. Consider computers, Internet access and a home phone line. These items are generally already on hand and in use daily. With these three tools you can begin the majority of home businesses that are available. Once you have the answer to each of these questions you will be able to make the most knowledgeable choice for your home business. This will allow you to begin your business by putting your best foot forward on solid ground. By taking the necessary time to prepare for your stay at home job, will ensure that your business can thrive and succeed.
Bill Drapcho
The ability to stay at home is increasing rapidly as new opportunities appear constantly. Finding the stay at home career that suits you can be as easy as asking yourself three simple questions. What do I truly enjoy doing? What amount of money or what is my budget for this business? What resources and tools do I have at hand, that can be applied toward the business? Asking these three questions will allow you to narrow down which field or areas of home business would best suit your interests as well as your personal needs. Consider Xocai Healthy Chocolate!
Job Enjoyment
If you do not enjoy the job field you are in, over time you will begin to regret your job choice. It will become a displeasure to go to work each day. The dissatisfaction of your job will lead to a decline in attitude and personal happiness, which can affect your relationships with family and friends as well as co-workers. Your job performance will also lack due to this feeling of dissatisfaction. Allowing yourself to understand what areas of work or business you enjoy will allow you to enter a job position knowing that this is a career you can perform every day and it will not lead to total dissatisfaction. There are always days where we do not feel like going to work even if we are in a dream job, but an enjoyable position is a must for job longevity.
Business Budget And Income Levels
When entering into a home business you have to take the necessary time required to thoroughly study your budget and income needs. You need to have enough savings to live within the means required to pay your bills, purchase personal items such as food and any other needed items for a minimum of three months. This allows enough time for your business to become established and to provide a flow of income. You also have to understand the required amount of funds needed to begin your business. What is the cost of materials, advertising, web hosting and so on? You want to provide an adequate amount of funding for each area of your business thus allowing a sturdy base for your business to be built upon. The majority of home businesses fail within the first year often due to lack of budgeting.
Resources and Tools
You also have to take the time to consider what tools or resources that you may possibly already have on hand. Consider computers, Internet access and a home phone line. These items are generally already on hand and in use daily. With these three tools you can begin the majority of home businesses that are available. Once you have the answer to each of these questions you will be able to make the most knowledgeable choice for your home business. This will allow you to begin your business by putting your best foot forward on solid ground. By taking the necessary time to prepare for your stay at home job, will ensure that your business can thrive and succeed.
Bill Drapcho
dark chocolate,
Healthy Chocolate,
home business,
Thursday, June 12, 2008
To Pay Or Not To Pay For Advertising
When you are looking for the best way to market your Xocai home business there are tons of possibilities, but some may end up costing you more than others. Whether you want to market yourself through the internet or through the mailbox there are certainly some methods of marketing that will be more cost-effective. We'll take a look at some of these marketing strategies and see if they could be right for your business.
If you have just begun your home business it probably isn't reasonable to expect to advertise yourself on a local billboard. However, it is much more reasonable to post an advertisement in a local newspaper or church bulletin. Or you could print fliers or postcards at home. You could also post links to your website on certain forums online. Free advetising exsists on the internet, you just need to find it. Search for certain keywords that will bring up sites for free advertising. Advertising on some of these sites could be time consuming in the beginning. But in the end, you could find some good prospects and some good customers this way.
The only way you will really find free advertising is through word-of-mouth and some online posts. Every other form of marketing has small costs that must be allowed for. To print fliers you must purchase the paper and printer cartridges. To send postcards you must purchase the cards first and then pay for shipping. To post an ad in a newspaper or bulletin you much pay for the ad space. Even online, some sites will charge you to post your ad. Depending on the return, paying for some online ads may not be so bad. Determine first how potential customers will see your ad. Will your Xocai healthy chocolate ad be visible among the hundreds of other business opportunity ads? How will yours stand out among the other ads? How will they be able to contact you? What type of traffic does this site have? These are many key questions to consider.
Depending on how much you are willing to pay for advertising, your sources for marketing may be limited. However, it is important to try multiple methods of advertising for your Xocai business before deciding on the ones that show a return. Most importantly is to remember that if the return you are earning from an ad is not enough to pay for the cost of the ad itself, it isn't worthwhile. It will take some time to find the best marketing solution for your home business. Ultimately the best return may come from a combination of methods, so it is very important never to limit yourself to a single avenue for advertisement. The best solution will be the one that that brings in the most revenue at the lowest cost to you.
Bill Drapcho
When you are looking for the best way to market your Xocai home business there are tons of possibilities, but some may end up costing you more than others. Whether you want to market yourself through the internet or through the mailbox there are certainly some methods of marketing that will be more cost-effective. We'll take a look at some of these marketing strategies and see if they could be right for your business.
If you have just begun your home business it probably isn't reasonable to expect to advertise yourself on a local billboard. However, it is much more reasonable to post an advertisement in a local newspaper or church bulletin. Or you could print fliers or postcards at home. You could also post links to your website on certain forums online. Free advetising exsists on the internet, you just need to find it. Search for certain keywords that will bring up sites for free advertising. Advertising on some of these sites could be time consuming in the beginning. But in the end, you could find some good prospects and some good customers this way.
The only way you will really find free advertising is through word-of-mouth and some online posts. Every other form of marketing has small costs that must be allowed for. To print fliers you must purchase the paper and printer cartridges. To send postcards you must purchase the cards first and then pay for shipping. To post an ad in a newspaper or bulletin you much pay for the ad space. Even online, some sites will charge you to post your ad. Depending on the return, paying for some online ads may not be so bad. Determine first how potential customers will see your ad. Will your Xocai healthy chocolate ad be visible among the hundreds of other business opportunity ads? How will yours stand out among the other ads? How will they be able to contact you? What type of traffic does this site have? These are many key questions to consider.
Depending on how much you are willing to pay for advertising, your sources for marketing may be limited. However, it is important to try multiple methods of advertising for your Xocai business before deciding on the ones that show a return. Most importantly is to remember that if the return you are earning from an ad is not enough to pay for the cost of the ad itself, it isn't worthwhile. It will take some time to find the best marketing solution for your home business. Ultimately the best return may come from a combination of methods, so it is very important never to limit yourself to a single avenue for advertisement. The best solution will be the one that that brings in the most revenue at the lowest cost to you.
Bill Drapcho
dark chocolate,
Healthy Chocolate,
home business,
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Promoting Your Website
Do you feel that you have a product or service that others will love to have? Or, are you still looking for one? Perhaps having an online website is a great way to advertise your personal business. This will help others to know what products and services that you are offering, and how these products can improve their daily lives. Promoting your website is key to building your online business and attracting business. Your web promotion can also attract potential members of your organization if you are promoting an online network marketing business. Many others are looking for ideas for home business opportunities all the time.
One of the easiest and most effective ways of promoting your website is to advertise it on several search engines. A search engine scans your website for meta tags or keywords that are related to a searchers request. Using several different key words can help more searchers hit upon your site. Applying to several search engines will increase the number of onlookers to your site, as this is the type of online searching that is used most frequently. Advertising your site online opens your site to customers at all hours of the day and night. People all over the world can browse your site and purchase items, even while you are asleep. Don't forget blogging as I am doing now with my Xocai healthy chocolate website.
Printing business cards that include all of the necessary information, including your website can also draw in new clients. Shopping online is a growing trend and you do not want to be left out. Giving out business cards to potential clients or even leaving them at places such as public bulletin boards in nearby shopping centers can attract new business. It may also help to include your web address to your office stationary and fliers. If this is not an option, you can print small labels on your home computer and add them to various advertisements that you send out. Add your web address as a tag line on your emails too, so that people you come into contact with will have the option to browse your site.
You may want to consider paying to have links to your site posted on other web sites. These sites should be ones that are related to your business, but not sites that are competition to your site. Email the site that you would like to have a link from, and explain that you would like to be considered for placing an ad on their site. You may be asked to pay a small monthly fee for the link to your site, but it can be well worth it, if it increases traffic to your web site and helps to increase the financial stability of your business.
Do not forget to advertise in local area newspapers also and include your website in the ad. Many potential customers may be interested in your company, but are not sure exactly what types of products and services that you provide. Letting them browse your site before they contact you can cut down on the time that you spend on those that are not interested in what you have to sell, and allows you to focus on those that are interested in your products. Having several different types of marketing strategies gives you the ability to reach many types of buyers or potential business associates. Many of these web promotions are inexpensive, while some are even free. Remember, buy only what you can afford for your business in the beginning. You'll need to experiment with what works, and what does not work for your website.
Bill Drapcho
Do you feel that you have a product or service that others will love to have? Or, are you still looking for one? Perhaps having an online website is a great way to advertise your personal business. This will help others to know what products and services that you are offering, and how these products can improve their daily lives. Promoting your website is key to building your online business and attracting business. Your web promotion can also attract potential members of your organization if you are promoting an online network marketing business. Many others are looking for ideas for home business opportunities all the time.
One of the easiest and most effective ways of promoting your website is to advertise it on several search engines. A search engine scans your website for meta tags or keywords that are related to a searchers request. Using several different key words can help more searchers hit upon your site. Applying to several search engines will increase the number of onlookers to your site, as this is the type of online searching that is used most frequently. Advertising your site online opens your site to customers at all hours of the day and night. People all over the world can browse your site and purchase items, even while you are asleep. Don't forget blogging as I am doing now with my Xocai healthy chocolate website.
Printing business cards that include all of the necessary information, including your website can also draw in new clients. Shopping online is a growing trend and you do not want to be left out. Giving out business cards to potential clients or even leaving them at places such as public bulletin boards in nearby shopping centers can attract new business. It may also help to include your web address to your office stationary and fliers. If this is not an option, you can print small labels on your home computer and add them to various advertisements that you send out. Add your web address as a tag line on your emails too, so that people you come into contact with will have the option to browse your site.
You may want to consider paying to have links to your site posted on other web sites. These sites should be ones that are related to your business, but not sites that are competition to your site. Email the site that you would like to have a link from, and explain that you would like to be considered for placing an ad on their site. You may be asked to pay a small monthly fee for the link to your site, but it can be well worth it, if it increases traffic to your web site and helps to increase the financial stability of your business.
Do not forget to advertise in local area newspapers also and include your website in the ad. Many potential customers may be interested in your company, but are not sure exactly what types of products and services that you provide. Letting them browse your site before they contact you can cut down on the time that you spend on those that are not interested in what you have to sell, and allows you to focus on those that are interested in your products. Having several different types of marketing strategies gives you the ability to reach many types of buyers or potential business associates. Many of these web promotions are inexpensive, while some are even free. Remember, buy only what you can afford for your business in the beginning. You'll need to experiment with what works, and what does not work for your website.
Bill Drapcho
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
You've Got To Work It!
Once again, thank you for visiting my Xocai Healthy Chocolate blog and also, hopefully my website. I'd like to talk about starting up a work at home business.
Many people will decide to start a business thinking they will get rich quickly. However, I think we all know deep down inside, there is no such thing. When people decide to go into business for themselves with a home business, many think that it will just all fall into place. Then, reality hits and they realize they've got to work it. When it fails, they blame everyone but themselves. They'll blame the product, or they blame the company, or the marketing plan. But they fail to look deep down inside and realize, it just might have been them.
Working a home business like Xocai, at first should demand enough of your time that it becomes like a second job to you. If you don't dedicate yourself and enough of your time each week, you lose momentum from your excitement of starting in the first place. Set aside at least 5-10 hours or more a week to work your new business. Many people are so dedicated to leaving their 9-5 job that they'll work every waking hour at their new home business. I wouldn't suggest going that far, but I will suggest dedicating at least 5-10 hours or more per week. Take the time to study the companies marketing plan, the products and how to do internet marketing. Once you get the hang of it, it becomes extremely fun and exciting.
Just don't buy into a business thinking it will work for you regardless of whether you work, or not. Keep focused, call your sponsor, study internet marketing, read personal development books, study your business, and stay with it for at least 6 months to one year. You will eventually find yourself having a blast, making money, and getting closer to your goals.
Bill Drapcho
Many people will decide to start a business thinking they will get rich quickly. However, I think we all know deep down inside, there is no such thing. When people decide to go into business for themselves with a home business, many think that it will just all fall into place. Then, reality hits and they realize they've got to work it. When it fails, they blame everyone but themselves. They'll blame the product, or they blame the company, or the marketing plan. But they fail to look deep down inside and realize, it just might have been them.
Working a home business like Xocai, at first should demand enough of your time that it becomes like a second job to you. If you don't dedicate yourself and enough of your time each week, you lose momentum from your excitement of starting in the first place. Set aside at least 5-10 hours or more a week to work your new business. Many people are so dedicated to leaving their 9-5 job that they'll work every waking hour at their new home business. I wouldn't suggest going that far, but I will suggest dedicating at least 5-10 hours or more per week. Take the time to study the companies marketing plan, the products and how to do internet marketing. Once you get the hang of it, it becomes extremely fun and exciting.
Just don't buy into a business thinking it will work for you regardless of whether you work, or not. Keep focused, call your sponsor, study internet marketing, read personal development books, study your business, and stay with it for at least 6 months to one year. You will eventually find yourself having a blast, making money, and getting closer to your goals.
Bill Drapcho
Monday, June 9, 2008
Leadership: The Step To Success
Have you ever heard of a business where there is no leader, or in a more technical term, a boss? Perhaps it is quite inconceivable, since it is highly significant in every field that someone directs them toward their goal. For instance, if you want to employ a change in system within your business, a leader would have to stand out for you to get through the hard times. Leading an entire business does come easy, especially if the employees do not have faith with the person who is leading them toward their goal. Being a leader requires a strong personality with skills to persuade. Without these two traits not much will be accomplished, as others will not follow someone who is not dynamic and fails to get others to move forward with them.
The Part Played By Leadership:
If you are a part of an organization now, you may have noticed how important it is that the subjects have faith on the capacities of the leaders since they are supposed to be the living models that the subjects must look up to. Actually, in every area where people are involved, there's a great need that someone be responsible enough to lead everyone. Because if not, every organization would be distinguished as weak for they won't be able to achieve any goal that they have set. Even in the family setting, a father or mother is always in the leadership role. Failing to be a leader in a family creates children that are unruly, and challenging. Do you know any families like this? Maybe your neighbors? Maybe your own relatives?
Putting it under the setting of employing sudden change within a business, the subjects or the employees would anticipate for improved, sensible, effective decisions and regular if not constant communication from the leader. During these moments the employees expect more from the leaders such as confidence, support and commitment. These qualities give hope to the followers, and in return bring about loyalty. When all things have been said, it all boils down to the trust of the employees in the leader. Which, in the future might bring them better working relationships and would possible strengthen their confidence with each other.
Consequences Of Poor Leadership:
Failing to lead in a decisive and effective manner can result in chaos and mayhem. With no clear vision from leadership, the subjects are unfocused and not willing to complete tasks for the good of the organization. Projects don't get finished, goals are not met, unrest and chaos is the order of the day without a clear leader. Feeble leadership would only result to the deficiency of hope which might probably go on for too long and in turn would lead to the organizations inevitable decline. Consider how poor leadership can even create chaos and disorganization in your home business. Without focus, your goals are not met and you lose confidence on whether you can continue.
Leadership then, is very significant in every organization because with its absence the whole team under the organization won't be able to function accordingly. The members of such an organization would not be able to operate with a harmonious relationship regarding one another. Harmony, understanding, goal setting and focus are qualities and emotions that good leadership will bring to an organization to create cohesiveness. Without it, chaos wins. Don't let yourself fall into a trap of being indecisive and ineffective with your business or life. Project confidence in your decision making and show leadership qualities, so others will follow you to the ends of the earth.
Bill Drapcho
Have you ever heard of a business where there is no leader, or in a more technical term, a boss? Perhaps it is quite inconceivable, since it is highly significant in every field that someone directs them toward their goal. For instance, if you want to employ a change in system within your business, a leader would have to stand out for you to get through the hard times. Leading an entire business does come easy, especially if the employees do not have faith with the person who is leading them toward their goal. Being a leader requires a strong personality with skills to persuade. Without these two traits not much will be accomplished, as others will not follow someone who is not dynamic and fails to get others to move forward with them.
The Part Played By Leadership:
If you are a part of an organization now, you may have noticed how important it is that the subjects have faith on the capacities of the leaders since they are supposed to be the living models that the subjects must look up to. Actually, in every area where people are involved, there's a great need that someone be responsible enough to lead everyone. Because if not, every organization would be distinguished as weak for they won't be able to achieve any goal that they have set. Even in the family setting, a father or mother is always in the leadership role. Failing to be a leader in a family creates children that are unruly, and challenging. Do you know any families like this? Maybe your neighbors? Maybe your own relatives?
Putting it under the setting of employing sudden change within a business, the subjects or the employees would anticipate for improved, sensible, effective decisions and regular if not constant communication from the leader. During these moments the employees expect more from the leaders such as confidence, support and commitment. These qualities give hope to the followers, and in return bring about loyalty. When all things have been said, it all boils down to the trust of the employees in the leader. Which, in the future might bring them better working relationships and would possible strengthen their confidence with each other.
Consequences Of Poor Leadership:
Failing to lead in a decisive and effective manner can result in chaos and mayhem. With no clear vision from leadership, the subjects are unfocused and not willing to complete tasks for the good of the organization. Projects don't get finished, goals are not met, unrest and chaos is the order of the day without a clear leader. Feeble leadership would only result to the deficiency of hope which might probably go on for too long and in turn would lead to the organizations inevitable decline. Consider how poor leadership can even create chaos and disorganization in your home business. Without focus, your goals are not met and you lose confidence on whether you can continue.
Leadership then, is very significant in every organization because with its absence the whole team under the organization won't be able to function accordingly. The members of such an organization would not be able to operate with a harmonious relationship regarding one another. Harmony, understanding, goal setting and focus are qualities and emotions that good leadership will bring to an organization to create cohesiveness. Without it, chaos wins. Don't let yourself fall into a trap of being indecisive and ineffective with your business or life. Project confidence in your decision making and show leadership qualities, so others will follow you to the ends of the earth.
Bill Drapcho
Healthy Chocolate,
home business,
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Working At Home With A 9-5 Job
Many people ask themselves if it is really possible to run a home business like Xocai Healthy Chocolate and still continue to work at their office job. The answer is yes. This may surprise some people. How do you have the time? That’s too much to do at one time. How can you manage? All of these comments and questions are involved in juggling home business and an outside job, but the key is that it that you are capable. Finding the time and believing that you can do it will drive you to your goal. Here are three main things you want to keep in mind in order to have it all.
Drive! The want or desire to have a home business is what really matters. If you want to keep your current job as well as begin your own home business you truly have to be focused on being able to do so. Without a strong want that will drive you to do what is necessary, you will lead yourself to failure. If you believe that you are ready to commit to both jobs, and do whatever is necessary to maintain both than you are taking your first step in the right direction.
Time! You aren’t just given a pocket full of time. Everything in this day and age is about rushing and stretching what time we have. This is still very true with juggling outside work and a home business. You have to be willing to make time. What this means is you must be willing to use whatever free time you have from your office job and apply it to your home business. Weekends, evenings as well as holidays can be spent working on your home business. As long as you are applying the time you have to your home business, you can work both.
Patience! This is something we all need more of. You will need to build patience when running both your Xocai home business and outside work. You will indeed be frustrated at times, waiting for packages or updates on business progress. You will be frustrated with customer or clients from both jobs. By building patience and also some understanding you will help ease some of the stress that comes from working both jobs. Your home business also might be a stress reliever from your day job. Many find that unwinding in front of their computer and working on something that is their own gives them a sense of accomplishment and hope.
Drive, Time and Patience all go in hand when working home business and outside office work. You have to be efficient with your time and manage it wisely. Keep focused on your goal. Don’t lose track. Be organized and efficient in your work area at home. Clutter breeds confusion and causes your business to get off track. Be patient, because success does not happen overnight and unfortunately not everyone you will encounter in your job is patient or understanding. As long as you make the effort, you can in fact run a home business and work in the office to.
Bill Drapcho
Many people ask themselves if it is really possible to run a home business like Xocai Healthy Chocolate and still continue to work at their office job. The answer is yes. This may surprise some people. How do you have the time? That’s too much to do at one time. How can you manage? All of these comments and questions are involved in juggling home business and an outside job, but the key is that it that you are capable. Finding the time and believing that you can do it will drive you to your goal. Here are three main things you want to keep in mind in order to have it all.
Drive! The want or desire to have a home business is what really matters. If you want to keep your current job as well as begin your own home business you truly have to be focused on being able to do so. Without a strong want that will drive you to do what is necessary, you will lead yourself to failure. If you believe that you are ready to commit to both jobs, and do whatever is necessary to maintain both than you are taking your first step in the right direction.
Time! You aren’t just given a pocket full of time. Everything in this day and age is about rushing and stretching what time we have. This is still very true with juggling outside work and a home business. You have to be willing to make time. What this means is you must be willing to use whatever free time you have from your office job and apply it to your home business. Weekends, evenings as well as holidays can be spent working on your home business. As long as you are applying the time you have to your home business, you can work both.
Patience! This is something we all need more of. You will need to build patience when running both your Xocai home business and outside work. You will indeed be frustrated at times, waiting for packages or updates on business progress. You will be frustrated with customer or clients from both jobs. By building patience and also some understanding you will help ease some of the stress that comes from working both jobs. Your home business also might be a stress reliever from your day job. Many find that unwinding in front of their computer and working on something that is their own gives them a sense of accomplishment and hope.
Drive, Time and Patience all go in hand when working home business and outside office work. You have to be efficient with your time and manage it wisely. Keep focused on your goal. Don’t lose track. Be organized and efficient in your work area at home. Clutter breeds confusion and causes your business to get off track. Be patient, because success does not happen overnight and unfortunately not everyone you will encounter in your job is patient or understanding. As long as you make the effort, you can in fact run a home business and work in the office to.
Bill Drapcho
Healthy Chocolate,
home business,
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