Monday, July 28, 2008

Word Of Mouth Advertising


When creating a business like Xocai, you need to remember that the only way you will get customers is by letting people know you are there. You may have the best business around, like healthy dark chocolate, but if you do not let everyone know that it is there then your business will not succeed. Advertising is the one tool that can be used for success with any home business, however an internet business can present some added challenges. Often the high end marketing does little good on the internet and can be very costly. Choosing a strategy that works well for your business as well as for the internet world we live in is important.

When thinking about advertising you should never count out how much word of mouth advertising can bring to your company. If you go to the store and buy a product you love, you go home and call your 2 best friends who love it as well, and they tell their two best friends, and you have begun a network of advertising for the product you bought. The only problem is you are not getting paid for it! Many companies count on this and it is the best way to generate sales with little money spent on advertising. Using this technique with your Xocai business can generate success for you. That is why with your Xocai business, give samples to people you know. This way, you will get customers as well as distributors of the product.

Bill Drapcho

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