Monday, June 16, 2008

Understanding The Purchase, And The Follow-Up


Without an understanding of what makes people buy what they buy, and pass over what they don’t want, we can never hope to truly grasp the psychology that goes into making a purchase. If you are entering into, or already have a Xocai home business, then your website, ads and everything that you do to attract business will relate directly to a purchase. But, this lesson is not just about sales, however. It relates to everything we do as human beings. How we interact with others, how we can gain influence over people. It’s not magic tricks. It’s just simple psychology.

When we buy something, there are a few steps we go through in every transaction. To begin with, we have to desire something. We have to feel some need, or want for the item in question. Without this initial interest, we merely pass along, leaving an item on the shelf, or on the car lot, or in the hands of the salesperson. A person must have an initial interest to even consider making a purchase. Of course, this interest can be generated, but it is better if there is a certain amount of motivation there from the beginning.

After we experience that initial interest, we then make a decision to purchase the item in question. This is not a final decision, but rather a warm up decision, and it can change, depending on the price and commitment to the product. Yes, we feel this is something we want or need, but there are still some questions. At this point, we may look to our friends, family, or business associates to reassure us that the purchase is a wise one. We may choose to heed or disregard that advice, but it is important that we seek it out.

Finally, after making the purchase, we want to feel some sort of reassurance afterwards. This is where many people falter. They don’t follow up if they don’t feel there is any further sales opportunity with the customer. This can leave the customer feeling alienated, and even as if they’ve been taken. If you as the representative do not follow up with your customer, the chances are that much greater that they will back out, leaving all of that hard work you did irrelevant.

In your Xocai home business, following up with new downline members gives validation that they made a good decision. Sometimes just the simple contact shows that you care and will be there if they need you, therefore solidifying their decision to purchase again and stay a part of your organization. It's the simple things such as follow up, personally answering questions and providing more infomation that keeps the customer satisfied, or coming back for more items to purchase.

Bill Drapcho

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